For the past several years I have been evaluating methods to increase the
amount of pollen honeybees gathered off of cranberry bogs. This includes
sugar feeding, wave placement,  egg laying/brood  manipulation, pollen
removal, hive locations, hive numbers, QMP, use of complementary nectar rich
plants etc.  Cranberry pollen is not all that attractive to honey bees and
they will go out of their way to collect anything other than cranberry
pollen. Some of these methods appear to work some of the time but there is a
tremendious variation between hives and locations. Getting good consistent
data is hard.  Any suggestions? What has worked for other plants which honey
bee don't like such as onions or pears? Any  work on modifying the
attractiveness of the plant to bees other than the use of QMP or other
phermone like attractants?  What about modifying the mineral nutrition of
the plant?