On Thu, 18 May 1995 07:58:53 -0600, Eric Abell wrote:
>On Wed, 17 May 1995, Jeremy Burbidge wrote:
>> We have heard from Europe that beekeepers have been permanently and totally
>> blinded by improper use of formic acid to control varroa. Can anyone confirm
>> this as fact or rumour ?
>> Jeremy Burbidge
>> Publisher Bee Biz, the magazine for the commercial beekeeper world wide.
In Czech Republic, the Bee Research Institute at Dol near Prague,
252 66 Libcice n. Vlt., has developped a protective preparation using the
formic acide which ought to enable the regulation of the evaporation
according to the ambient temperature and the strenght of the colony.
Its name is "Formidol" and it should be active against the chalk brood as
well. I personally have not any experience with this, I am going to try it
in my four colonies which shoved the presence of chalk brood. Or have
someone of you any reliable method hov to controle this disease?
Thanks, Vladimir Ptacek, ptacek.sci.muni.cz