My poor little lone hive got visited by a bear the other night
and I haven't seen it yet (it's at a friends house, will today though).
He said it got tossed around and there were paw prints all over and
around it. He there were holes in the frames, there goes my nice young
brood... He put it back up on the stand and got stung once, so they're
still there.
        I know I *really* don't want to hear the answer to this question,
but I'll ask anyway...he/she will be back right? Should I have some kind
of fence with a battery now? I guess now I can say "I told you so" to my
wife for net letting me keep it in our backyard in town where there are
no bears...8-}
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Dave D. Cawley, Maitre d' |         Internet Access, Network Design
The Internet Cafe         |            and Software Development
Scranton, Pennsylvania    |
(717) 344-1969            |      Your Footpath Into The Global Village
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