 !                   H  E  L  P  !!!                        !
 !                                                          !
 !  Perhaps many new scientific discoveries are possible!!  !
 !  Please send this text to scientists                     !
 !  (physicists, chemists, medics, engineers ...),          !
 !  scientific instituts, firms etc. or make this           !
 !  text available. The text is  N O T  only for            !
 !  specialists!                                            !
 !  This theory is not much known. Nobody knows this        !
 !  simple theory.                                          !
 !                                                          !
  (I'm new in Internet)
Please send your opinion to news: sci.chaos
Use the word    NEURO-OBJ    in subject!
Can you create a new newsgroup: sci.chaos.neuro-objects
If this newsgroup exists then send your opinion to
this newsgroup.
E-Mail adress of the writer: [log in to unmask]
   Neuronal Nets In Objects
   It's only a theory.
The following suggestions are not new. But they are not
much known. Ilja Prigogine (Nobel Prize Winner) and other
people said simular suggestions.
Please go ahead with own reflections and do experiments
and computer-simulations. Perhaps many new scientific
discoveries are possible!
    Neuronal Nets In Mixtures Of Substances
Perhaps you can produce Neuronal Nets in mixtures of substances
with relatively changeable properties and substances with
memory properties.
        X O X O X O
        O X O X O X
        X O X O X O
        O X O X O X
X - Particle with relatively changeable properties
    (A cell of the Neuronal Net)
    - Its state fluctuates.
O - Particle with memory properties
    (This particle cause that the kind of connection
    between cells "X" is relatively constant.)
    - According to memory state of this particle the
      state of a cell determines the state of the
      neighbouring cell.
    - High-energy (chaotic) successions of cell states
      can change the memory state of this particle.
      Because of that evolution by energy control is
    - Somtimes Rule of Hebb exist:
      The same state of neighbouring cells leads to
      another memory state of this particle then
      different states.
For example:
- A mixture of a conductive substance (eletric current is
  changeable = "X"-particles) with a magnetic
  substance (memory properties = "O"-particles)
- Connection beetween cells "X" takes place by induction
  (according to memory state (polarization) of the
  neighbouring particles "O").
- Evolution by energy control: Energy supply takes place
  by a global alternating field. High-energy supply leads to
  chaotic currents --> New Order is possible. Low-energie
  supply --> strengthens the old Order.
  (read the chapter "The Learning Process")
- Rule of Hebb: The same current direction of neighbouring
  cells "X" leads to another polarization of the
  neighbouring particle "O" then different current direction.
    Neuronal Nets In Any Substances
Perhaps you can produce Neuronal Nets in any substances,
too, because molecules have relatively changeable and
relatively constant (memory) properties.
Distribution of properties "X" and "O" in a structure
of several molecules:
        X O X O X O
        O X O X O X
        X O X O X O
        O X O X O X
X - relatively changeable property of a molecule
    (A cell of the Neuronal Net)
    - Its state fluctuates.
O - memory property of a molecule
   (cause that the kind of connection between cells "X" is
    relatively constant.)
    - According to memory state of this "O" the
      state of a cell determines the state of the
      neighbouring cell (physical interaction).
  ... (Analogie to "Neuronal Nets in Mixtures")
   The Learning Process
The learning process is stimulated by global energy supply.
It's simular to brain: If something is not OK then energy
supply is increased. If everthing is OK then energy supply
is decreased.
! global energy supply!----<--------<-----
! (alternating field, !                   !
!  irradiation etc.)  !                   !
 ---------------------    -------------------------------
   !   !   !   !   !     ! TEACHER (for example circuitry!
   V   V   V   V   V     !      or computer etc.)        !
 --------------------    ! - if the measuring instruments!
!                    !   !  record an approach to desired!
!  educable object   !   !  behaviour then energy supply !
!                    !   !  is decreased.                !
 --------------------    ! - Otherwise energy supply is  !
                         !  increased.                   !
    -------------        -------------------------------
   !  measuring  !                        !
   ! instruments !------->------->--------
    -------------         feedback
A T   F I R S T  there are only random fluctuations. Each system
fluctuates in a somewhat chaotic way:
1.) Sometimes the system fluctuates in a undesired direction:
  --> Energy supply is increased
  --> The neuronal connections are destroyed partly
      (Not all connections are destroyed: only "bad",
       unstable configurations of connections)
2.) Sometimes the system fluctuates in a desired direction:
  --> Energy supply is decreased
  --> The neuronal connections are strengthened partly
1. + 2.) ---->>>  It's simular to selection process
                  in nature (E V O L U T I O N)!!!
L A T E R :  desired behaviour is strenghened.
- You have to find the middle energy supply and the variation
  of energy supply by measuring series or by flexible
  computer programs.
   Teach The Object Any Physical Or Chemical Properties
Perhaps you can teach the object any physical or chemical
It's   N O T  necessary to know the following
mechanism, because self-organization takes place.
At First :
Chance distribution of any  L O C A L  properties "a" and "b"
in the object:
Object: (It's only an example)
1. Possibility (After learning process):
Moving balance of  L O C A L  properties (It's a very simple
learning destination)
       --> other  G L O B A L  physical and chemical properties
2. Possibility (After learning process):
Moving space and time concentration of  L O C A L  proterties
       --> other  G L O B A L  physical and chemical properties
3. Possibility:
Perhaps you can control known self-organization-mechanism
(for example Belousov-Zhabotinsky-reaction) to disired
direction by learning process.
It could be that "a" and "b" are unknown physical properties in
microcosm. Then global properties (after learning process) are
unknown, too. ---> New scientific discoveries are possible!!
Read literature about Chaos Theory, Neuronal Nets (especially
Hopfield Net) and evolution!
   Possible Uses
1.) Information Processing
! global energy supply!----<--------<-----
! (alternating field, !                   !
!  irradiation etc.)  !                   !
 ---------------------    -------------------------------
   !   !   !   !   !     ! TEACHER (for example circuitry!
   V   V   V   V   V     !      or computer etc.)        !
 --------------------    ! - If the output-matrix is     !
!in- ! educable !out-!   !   simular to desired          !
!put-! mixture  !put-!   !   output-matrix then energy   !
!ma- ! of sub-  !ma- !   !   supply is decreased.        !
!trix! stances  !trix!   ! - Otherwise energy supply is  !
 --------------------    !   increased.                  !
! ! !           ! ! !     -------------------------------
 -------------------                         !
!  measuring        !                        !
! instruments       !------->------->--------
 -------------------         feedback
2.) Perhaps you can teach the object any physical
  or chemical properties. For example: improvement
  of energy transformations, for example a photo element:
! global energy supply   !----<--------<-----
!(alternating field etc.)!                   !
 ------------------------    ---------------------------------
   !   !   !   !   !        ! TEACHER(circuitry,computer etc.)!
   V   V   V   V   V        !                                 !
 ------------------------   ! - If current increases then     !
!   photo element        !  !   energy supply is decreased.   !
!(Each current fluctuates!  ! - If current decreases then     !
! a little bit)          !  !   energy supply is increased.   !
 ------------------------    ---------------------------------
      !       !                             !
    -------------                           !
   !  Voltmeter  !------->------->----------
    -------------         feedback
3.) improvement of healing processes
! global energy supply   !----<--------<-----
!(alternating field etc.)!                   !
 ------------------------    ---------------------------------
       !   !   !            ! TEACHER(circuitry,computer etc.)!
       V   V   V            !                                 !
 sick part of the body      ! - At health-signal              !
      ( -     - )           !   energy supply is decreased.   !
      ( O     O )           ! - At signal of disease          !
      (    !    )           !   energy supply is increased.   !
       (  ---  )             ---------------------------------
           -                                  !
      -------------                           !
     !  measuring  !------->------->----------
     ! instruments !        feedback
(Perhaps in some cases you can control the energy supply
by mental concentration (without any machines)?)
4.) You have to apply this theory to your own special problems.
  (If the measuring instruments record an approach to desired
   behaviour then energy supply is decreased. Otherwise
   energy supply is increased.)
5.)  Perhaps you can teach the object unexpected, remarkable or
   "impossible" properties.
   An Experiment For You: A Chaos-Game
At first the game figures are distributed by chance.
Destination of the game:
  The number of the figures on the left side of the
  game board should be greater then number on the right side:
      number LEFT > number RIGHT   (moving balance)
!  global energy supply  !
! (You shake the game    !
!  board with your hand.)!----<--------<-----
!                        !                   !
 ------------------------    ------------------------------ --
       !   !   !            ! TEACHER (your brain)            !
       V   V   V            !                                 !
 game board with figures:   ! - if number LEFT is great then  !
  LEFT             RIGHT    !   energy supply is decreased.   !
 ------------------------   ! - if number LEFT is small then  !
!      O  O !   O     O  !  !   energy supply is increased.   !
! O     O   !    O       !  !(You can lay down a rule -       !
!   O     O !  O     O   !  ! for example:                    !
!  O    O   ! O   O    O !  ! strength of shaking =           !
 ------------------------   ! k1*(numberRIGHT-numberLEFT)+k2) !
      -------------                           !
     !  measuring  !------->------->----------
     ! instrument  !        feedback
     ! (your eye)  !
            The experiment shows:
    Evolution by energy control is possible.
             You have to imagine:
  a game figure "O"    =     local memory property "O"
       in this game          in a substance
   Computer Simulation Of This Chaos-Game
uses crt;
const maxcell = 10;
var board:array[1..maxcell,1..maxcell] of integer;
procedure chance_direction (var dx,dy:integer);
  dx := - 1+trunc(random (300)/100);
  dy := - 1+trunc(random (300)/100);
procedure chance_place(var x,y:byte);
  x:= random (maxcell) + 1;
  y:= random (maxcell) + 1;
procedure init;
var x,y:byte;
  sum_left := 0; sum_right := 0; number:=0;
  for x := 1 to maxcell do
    for y := 1 to maxcell do
      board[x,y] := random(2);
procedure drawing;
var x,y:byte;
  for x := 1 to maxcell do
    for y := 1 to maxcell do
       gotoxy(x*4,y*2); write (board[x,y]:3);
function strength_of_energy: integer;
var number_left, number_right:integer; x,y:byte;
  number_left := 0;
  for x:= 1 to maxcell div 2 do
    for y := 1 to maxcell do
       number_left := number_left + board[x,y];
  number_right := 0;
  for x:= maxcell div 2 + 1 to maxcell do
    for y := 1 to maxcell do
       number_right := number_right + board[x,y];
  strength_of_energy :=
       round(0.25* (number_right-number_left) + 10);
  number := number + 1;
  sum_left := sum_left + number_left;
  sum_right := sum_right + number_right;
  gotoxy(65,1); write(number_left:4,'   ',number_right:4);
  gotoxy(65,3); write((sum_left/number):4:1,'   ',
procedure shake (strength:integer);
var i,dx,dy:integer; x,y:byte; new_x,new_y:integer;
  if strength <= 0 then exit;
  for i := 1 to strength do
    new_x := x+dx;
    new_y := y+dy;
    if (new_x in [1..maxcell]) and (new_y in [1..maxcell]) then
      if board[x,y]>0 then
(* main *)
until keypressed;
writer: Carsten Zander, Germany