Dear Terry
What about those 9ers! I hope Jeanne was not too upset. Those Texan
loyalties run deep. Anyway, I have just realized that I will be in
Merxico for the super bowl (leave next Wed 25 th return 30th). In case
there is no satellite TV in my hotel, or that Kirk and I are off looking
at bees, I wonder if you could tape it for me. Then maybe I can see it
when I'm up the next time.
I was at the 19 day feast here two days ago and bought Nat Rutstein's
book on healing racism. He took a lot of his talk from the book, which
is very good.
I'm more or less  getting busy getting ready to go to Mexico, plus have
to get my hives ready for the almonds in a month or less. I figure that
I have to spend about 2hours per day minimum banging nails into pieces
of wood, not tomention all the other activities associated with getting
the hives ready.
Dear Jeaanne
Hope that you were not too upset about the Cowboys. At least they are
not from E. Texas. I have been eating lots of healthy food such as half
a cauliflower, plus oranges from work (OK to eat in this climate). I'm
looking fortward to eating some organi tacos in Mexico. Keep well, and
see you soon.