Greetings.  I have been at home away from my net line for most of the
summer and have just plowed through my messages.  It has been a very
active summer!  I have GRRREEEAAAT news.  The Algoma area of Northern
Ontario has passed the mite tests with flying colours.  We are/were
for a brief moment in time, mite free! (both kinds)  We have been under
quarantine for a couple of years because of some varroa problems but we
seem to have rooted out the little creeps.  We do, of course, still have
bear problems; however, it is unlikely that we will find any when we open
a hive.  Then again, it only takes one...Anyway, cheers...I'm off to try
the recipe for hard honey cider.  The honeyflow goes on in the North.
Jane Power:  the power that bees :)