Some years ago, an apiculturist from the Uiversity of Guelph,
Canada, spent some time in Africa, studying beekeeping practices, etcx.
He had wonderful colour and sound pictures of his experience there.
        When he spoke to the annual meeting of our beekeepers
association, the year of his return, he showed us some of this material.
My memory says that where he was, all you had to do was hang up a
beehive in a suitable location, and wait.  Swarming was so frequent that
you would soon have bees!
        Sorry, but I do not remember his name.
        From the Cradle of Confederation.
On Mon, 18 Jul 1994, Malcolm Roe wrote:
> One of my neighbours has a couple of friends who are missionaries.  They
> have recently taken a new posting in Madagascar and apparently, along
> with everthing else, have inherited one (or more?) beehives.  They know
> nothing about bees.  My neighbour asked me what advice I could give.
> At least I know enough to say "Not much!"  Presumably what they need is
> local beekeeping contacts or, failing that, some good books.  I have
> no contacts in that part of Africa at all.  I have only been able to
> find one good book about practical beekeeping in Africa and that's
> for South Africa, not Madagascar, and may not still be in print.  (The
> copy I saw was quite old.)
> "Beekeeping in South Africa" by R.H. Anderson, B. Buys and
>       M.F. Johannsmeier, published by the S.A. Dept of Agricultural
>       Technical Services.
> Any comments or suggestions?
> --
> Malcolm Roe                            Phone  :  +44 442 230000 ext 5104
> Crosfield Electronics Ltd              Fax    :  +44 442 232301
> Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP2 7RH, UK    E-mail :  [log in to unmask]
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