Several people in my building have expressed interest in joining the
entomology discussion groups, of which Bee-l is one.  I subscribed
about a year ago, without problems.  Now, in attempting to give my
colleagues assistance in subscribing to this group, I find that the
procedure has changed; the original subscription request is
answered with a message asking the sender to send an "ok", or if that does
not work, to send "ok xxxxxx", where the x's represent a code supplied by
I have tried several times without success to get others subscribed.
Replying with the "ok", with or without the code has been unsuccessful.
Can someone (listowner?) spell out just what it is that one must do to
subscribe?  The same message is sent in response to attempts to join other
discussion groups as well.  The directions seem not to be as well written
as they could have been.  Thanx in advance for any help..
 Orville G. Marti, Jr.          O.G. Marti, Jr.             Dick Marti
Phone: 912-387-2328 (office)  BITNET: OMARTI@tifton
Phone: 912-387-2350 (lab)     Internet: [log in to unmask]
Fax:   912-387-2321 (office)
Fax:   912-386-3571 (computer center)