Hello, I am a first-time beekeeper this spring. I installed my
bees three weeks ago. I did my first full frame inspection this
weekend. They had built comb over both faces of five frames.
I saw empty comb, comb with nectar or honey in them, comb with
a lumpy yellow mess in them that I assume was pollen, and then
two types of capped comb.
Question 1. What I don't know is how to tell capped brood from
capped honey. I think the brood is darker and more evenly
capped where the honey has a lighter colored cap and has
a rougher surface. Whats the visual difference?
Question 2. In what I think are the capped brood there are some
randomly placed cells that have caps that are bubble shaped.
They don't look like queen cells, just bubbles. They are about
a quarter of an inch higher and very well rounded. What's in
Thanks for the help, darren kall