WHERE IS RICK HOUGH! Hi..Bee-liners. Sorry to send massively, but I have
a message from Rick to check my email and can't find it!
        We're having a special BEE WEEKEND!!! For an exhibit opening the
17th and 18th of October (ir whgatever the date of that weekend are).
SOme beekeepers are coming to show extraction etc. and to ply their
wares of wax, honey etc. If any of you would like to 'set up' please
call Pam Landry at 508 791-9211.  IF ANY of you would just like to join us
for afun day, please come as our guest... Just present a bee association
card at the gate for free entry.. LET ME KNOW YOU ARE THERE..
Lois Brynes
New ENgland SCience Center
Worcester MA
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