Dear Peter Kevan
possibibly  Anthidium  manicatum was introduced  in  Brazil  with
furniture  which European immmigrants brought from the Old  World
during  the last century. The species was already  recorded  from
Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul.
According Prof.Pe.J.S. Moure, the preferred plants of this bee in
Curitiba,   Parana,   are  Leonurus  sibiricus   (Labiatae)   and
Antirrhinum  majus (Scrophulariaceae). Males hide in the  flowers
of Antirrhinum waiting for females. In Uruguaiana, Rio Grande  do
Sul,  we found this species on flowers of Jacaranda  mimosifoliae
(Bignoniaceae). We have some individual in our collection.
                                 Betina Blochtein
                                 PUC-University, Lab.Pesq.Biologicas
                                 da Univ. Tuebingen, RFA
                                 Av.Ipiranga, 6681
                                 90.620 Porto Alegre, RS  BRAZIL
                                 Phone: (01512) 391511 Ramal 3280
                                 Fax: (0512)391564
                                 bitnet: [log in to unmask]