> >does anyone else (besides dee) have a "bounce back" story from ccd 
> >(repopulating deadout equipment from survivors without fumigating or 
> >treating, and getting a good honey crop the same year...in the desert)?

> Thanks Dee, for setting the record straight here on list, so it seems

Not so fast.  We are still waiting for the details.

1.) We think we heard (on good authority) that the bees were treated,
2.) We do not know the magnitude of the 'bounceback',
3.) Some of us don't think a drum of honey per yard is 'a good honey crop', 
4.) one of the criteria of CCD is that bees will not thrive in the equipment 
until some considerable time after the loss.

Other than that...

I always admired atheists. I think it takes a lot of faith.
-- Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure, Seoul Mates, 1991 

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