From Bee Cultures "catch the Buzz" this quote

Weaver, who imports Australian bees, opposes the ban, saying it's too late for such moves even if the 
link to Australia were firmly established. "Colony collapse is widely distributed around the U.S.," 
Weaver said. "It's not going to do any good to close off imports from Australia if the pathogen is 
already here."

I had to laugh about the widely distributed claim. What a joke.

We still have a poorly understood disorder, with minimal VOLUNTEER data to show how wide spread 
it WAS, and no proof that it wil everl return.  As I have said here numerous times we still do not 
appear to have any credible claims of CCD in the upper Midwest.  Now all of a sudden its widely 
distributed around the US? Come on.....

This just get more strange by the day.  To me its the Y2K Bee story of the decade.  Its becoming the 
little guy against the Industrial Ag machine complete with misinformation being pushed to the 

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