
 I am looking into the differences between organic and mainstream
 commercial beekeeping, from under 100 hives and up to large very large
 There is a post on the list from some years ago about the frequency of 
 RFID tagging of hives to prevent theft and enable tracking and management.
 I am wondering whether RFID tagging of hives is standard procedure for
 commercial beekeepers, or rather common or uncommon now. This is the case with 
 cattle in many countries, and USDA has been expanding its cattle efforts.

 Possibly if it is not done by the beekeeper, is it done by the trucking
 company or even NAIS now for most deliveries when loading and unloading;
 alternatively are the hives transported by a large courier that tends to
 track with RFID in commercial beekeeping?

 I would be most grateful if anyone could fill me in.

 Thank you, Rowan C.

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