The information is not hard to find on Alpatov or Bergmann
and it should be basic to those into breeding anyways! One
can simply go to articles referencing Alpatov with Apiacta
even, and for Bergmann and his what I thought "famous" rule
simply type in Bergmann's Rule 1847 in search and pull up.

For what I wrote about try:

For map I took years laying out try:

for breeding in basics:

Now with the map above with sizes in feral layed out with
climatic zones..........if one then takes FWIW a simple
transparent overlay of natural race/strain breakout from
the realworld and put on top you see the latitute bands of
color break out from equator to poles, and from sealevel to
mountain peak tops FWIW also. Nothing hard to see with
straight overlays.

Also, pertaining to the feral here in Tucson, we never
stopped doing what we were doing and most all beekeepers
have kept getting the ferals here though money was seen in
condemming them as hot not wanted bees to have around, but
this is expansion with housing tracts and commerce and
other?, and by saying hot bees and making scenes this is
how some operate, aka, pesticide operators and removal
people looking for work, etc for money flow, for that time
of year is coming upon us again like always does. New law
now going thru legislature in Arizona with HB 2306
coincidently since fall and heating up of politics again,
is making all ferals in Arizona a nuisance to now be done
away with no matter where (though we managed to get the
actual hives I hope protected, until next tizzy)......yet,
you simply requeen the hot and go on FWIW and what
beekeepers have always done.But I guess politics has to
heat up again from time to time when it seems some start
writing again from time to time. And some are determined
that Native bees never existed, and in the wild must be
done away with for job security. So the game repeats.So now
if ALL feral bees in Arizona become outlaw.....let it
become that way too in all other state FWIW, this time I
won't stop it nor want to.


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