Adony said:  Randy, I think you are completely in tune with the scientific
with your thinking.

Thanks, Adony.  We beekeepers seem to have an innate ability to keep
shooting ourselves in the foot, as well as putting said foot into our

Somewhat related--in researching for an upcoming article on chemical
control, I'm finding that there are virtually no studies on the sublethal
effects of miticides on WORKER bees or brood.  Especially lacking are
studies on fluvalinate--which appears to be the most widely used and abused
varroacide on the planet.  Again, if anyone's got any citations for
sublethal effects of fluvalinate on worker (as opposed to queen or drone)
bees or brood, or on colony buildup or honey production (other than Westcott
and Winston 1999), please pass them on.
Randy Oliver

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