"I have thought of maybe building a telescoping wooden insulated top but 
will wait until I see the result of the simple changes I made."

Keith:  I have tried and use the insulated telescoping top and it works 
fine.  Tried two winters now and on it's third.  Checked them today and they 
downed a gallon of sugar water in 5 days.  Tried with and without the 
vitamins and electrolytes and with the Honey Bee Healthy.  Twice the 
consumption with the additives as without.  Very Strong hive! I have others 
in a row that do not have the same top as a test for this winter in the bus. 
  Installed the Kona Queens today as well.  Another test is fall/winter 
requeening.  Half the hives are poly and half wood.  Also two insulated wood 

Dr. Joe Carson
Alaska Heavenly Honey

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