Peter writes:

Natural in the USA would mean: no honeybees.

So much for politically correct rather then what is born
here and here yet so long.

Peter continues:
 I know plenty of beekeepers who would just as soon
stop applying chemicals if they could, but every time they
do the bees croak. 

Yes, the addiction to the pesticide treadmill is rough and
it is extremely hard undoing and going back. But this is
still the road many pick unfortunately. But then that is
what freedom to do and farm is supposedly about.

Peter continuing:
Keeping bees in northern climates is a whole different ball
game from the south.

Funny, I was born and raised in the north and now live in
the south, and really don't see much difference other then
time of year things are done. 

Peter ending: 
Natural beekeeping is great as a concept, but it doesn't
really add up to more than a pipedream. It would be more
natural to leave the bees the hell alone and go back to
grinding acorns.

You know Peter it is said to each his own for making one's
way in life. Some want it fast and easy and always look for
ways to cut corners, but in the end you learn to do what
works, and that means for you, and how you live.

Yes it is more natural to leave the bees alone and follow
the bees and their needs...................but do you have
that much time for grinding acorns, while they sort it out,
so when done, you can restart working with them again, in
tune what what they want and need in a co-existant



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