Hi Dan & Jan,

Pipe is not a good vertical outlet for bees, the inside is too smooth and straight.

A better choice is flexible dust collector hose which comes in 2 1/2" and 4" sizes in both clear and black. It can be shaped as a spiral round a vertical post, thereby reducing the degree of the slope involved and the vinyl provides a stickier surface than ABS or PVC.

The more turns in a spiral the more the slope is reduced, and the longer distance they have to travel. The longer the distance the larger the diameter you should use.

  - Black is less distracting for the bees, they don't get confused by the light
  - Clear is better for observation, and with time the bees will figure out how to ignore the light coming in the hose.

Woodcraft and Rocklers are a better place to buy than Home Depot or Lowes.



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