Does anyone have a clever way to get a tree colony queen?  Here is the scenario:

1. The colony is in a medium size tree.  The oval entrance is ~2"-3" wide x ~15" high - barely wide enough to get my hand inside.  It's at waist level off the ground.

2. I've removed some of the dead wood inside the entrance and vacuumed off a few thousand bees.  The main nest section appears to be ABOVE the entrance.  I am guessing the queen is there.

3. Cutting the tree down, drilling holes above the entrance, and enlarging the holes are not an option.

I would like to capture this queen.  If I can't, the only option I have is to reduce the entrance to a cone and set up a bait hive next to it.

I have a bottle of Honey Bee Robber used to drive bees out of honey supers.  I don't use it for supers but was wondering if perhaps spraying it in the tree could drive the queen out?


Long Island, NY

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