"Would it not be wise, for him, to bring the
hives up north to stop the brood rearing.  At that point treat with oxalic
while the hives are broodless??"

Sure does sound like desperation, but I guess that is what this is all about.

Need to wait 3 weeks for all brood to emerge.  Would brood raising
really be stopped?  Dunno, but in early Feb. in upstate NY, brood
rearing has started (by Carniolans), albeit only a small amount.

What would happen when the bees were moved back south?

Would killing the bees and starting over with packages be less
expensive and more productive?

Of course, we can't comment on using the Oxalic as it is not legal.

As one opinion, this sounds like too desperate a move.

Lloyd Spear
Owner Ross Rounds, Inc.
Manufacture of equipment for round comb honey sections,
Sundance Pollen Traps, and producer of Sundance custom labels.
Contact your dealer or www.RossRounds.com

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