Lionel and Waldemar

>>I've noticed that very old combs with small cells on them
have very high numbers of mites and DWV.  Just an

Yes, it is very good for luring the mites to for broodnest
cleansing periods, so that the mites can be cleaned out.
Have seen whole sheets of worker comb in the beginning
cleaned up this way as beekeepers hives all around us
collasped. Amazing how the broodnest with proper sized comb
acts like a living liver cleaning up disease and parasisitc
mite problems with the help of the workers at this period
of time each year. After all, why change out old good combs
if they are working properly and CLEAN, never having seen

I found the research paper interesting. Question: For now
if a lure can be made to smell like old brood combs so the
mites can key into them more for an attractant, then does
that mean that the phoretic stage will be lured more into
the worker cells again, and not dispursed more throughout
the colony. I know that small cell can already handle the
problem with chewing out of varroa, but can the larger
cells that allows for reproduction? Sounds like more
internal imbalance somehow. Then with the mites lured back
there................. What is the next step for large cell
beekeepers? Trapping them somehow? Some new type of bait
setup/trap to purchase to add to the arsenal?

Respectfully submitted,

Dee A. Lusby
Small Cell Commercial Beekeeper
Tucson, Arizona

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