On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 00:27:28 -0500, Bob Harrison> wrote:

>I am surprised at the number of places which do not have fluvalinate
>resistant varroa. I got my first in 1998. Apistan has been used in the U.S.
>since 1987 I believe. Ten years was the time limit we were told before we
>would see fluvalinate resistant varroa without another chemical to rotate
>Even after 4-6 years attempts to return to Apistan has been met with poor
>results. A single Apistan strip will drop a couple hundred varroa in a hive
>*infested with varroa* in 24 hours with a sticky board . Should be around
>three thousand.
> Bob

if you think your mites are still resistant, please send some to me. We used tabacco
smoke here for 30 min and usually get a mite drop higher than 24 hr natural drop.
these mites are usually alive and kicking on a sticky board which we then harvest for
DNA study.



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