>This is true.  Mark Feldlaufer of the USDA Beltsville Bee Lab
>recently hired on Judy Chen, an card-carrying microbiologist, who

**she is probably more a molecular biologist than a microbiologist.  She used to
work with AIDS virus before joining the bee lab.

>the bee.  The paper is still "in the mill", but has the title:
>        "Molecular evidence for transmission of Kashmir bee virus
>        in honey bee colonies by ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor."
>It will be in "Apidologie".  No idea when.  Its "in press".  The
>authors are Chen, Pettis, Evans, Kramer, Feldlaufer.

**This paper is already out in the most recent Apidologie.

Zachary Huang

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