Dear all,

The Apiculture Lab at Michigan State University is looking for Apistan (fluvalinate)
resistant varroa mites. We are conducting research to understand the mechanisms
of Apistan resistance.  So far we have identified 4 mutations that might be associated
with resistance but we need to survey more mites to see if this correlation holds for
mite samples from other places.

Our previous publications on this subject are at:

If your lab or apiary have mites that are known to be resistant to Apistan, or if you
know beekeepers who are having trouble controlling mites using Apistan, we would
appreciate receiving some mite samples (about 50 mites in 95% ethyl alcohol).  We
will pay for the postage.  Please respond to this request by email to [log in to unmask]

Best regards,


Zachary Huang
Associate Professor                   tel: 517-353-8136
Department of Entomology              fax: 517-353-4354
Michigan State University             mailto:[log in to unmask]
East Lansing, Michigan 48824

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