>>I'd say they are 3-5 frames, but the only day I looked for brood it was limited to 1-2 frames. [...]  I make splits around April 20.

Thank you, Lloyd.  This is in line with my build-up estimates.

>>difference between our 'inland' climate here, and your
coastal climate on Long Island.  Our USDA climate zone is 4, while I think yours is 6.

I think we are borderline 6.  The ocean is a big moderator but occasionally we get hit by arctic blasts.  We have had bee-flying weather for roughly 3 days.  (We have had snow on the ground for weeks and subzero temps.)  And already I sees foragers coming back with brown, orange, and green pollen.  A sure sign build-up will take off like wild fire.

Long Island, NY

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