>>The main problem is with winter
feed in colder climates. You will get losses because of the feed. (There
are some issues with 55% vrs 42% as winter feed - also in the archives.)

Well Bill, I dont know if I believe it to be much of a problem.  I have
never heard of any studdies that suggest winter losses are higher due to
feeding HFCS to increase winter stores.  I winter all my hives on corn
syrup and have been wintering very well, here in southern Manitoba Canada
(20 miles north of the boarder).  Not as cold as areas further north of
here but last well into five or six months.
Actually I know of two commercial beekeepers who believe that their bees
winter better on HFCS, and ensure that they have their hives go into winter
mainly with syrup as their hives stores.  They collect more honey this way
as a plus.  I am not that extreem, I only use HFCS to top my hives up.  All
outdoor wintering situations.


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