On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, AL wrote:

> You said it tastes 'OK' - I don't particularly care for the flavor but
> I've actually had people ask specifically for goldenrod honey, go
> figure.  And someone on this list said they were selling it for a
> premium price. There may be a goldmine in goldenrod, but I make an
> effort to take my share of honey before it blooms in the fall. My bees
> seem to winter very well on goldenrod so its a win-win kinda thing.

As far as the smell and flavor of "goldenrod" honey is concerned, remember
that there are an estimated 50 species of goldenrod in North America, and
I'm sure that they don't all smell the same.  For example, whatever the
dominant goldenrod species is here in northern Michigan gives a
nice-flavored, somewhat fruity medium-dark honey with no objectionable
odor at all.

Tim Eisele
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