The total hive weight can be found by weighing each side (with a tension
spring balance or a shallow platform scale), (just lift it clear of the
ground and no more to avoid error-the more off level the hive is when
you take the reading the more error) and adding the weights
together.e.g. weigh one side =50lb, weigh other side =40lb, then total
weight is 90lb

There is one proviso - when weighing each side, you must weigh  at the
"ground support" point. Usually the hive supports are at the outer edge
and this is not a problem. However if the floor has supports, inset from
the edges, then it is a problem.

Remember the trick is to weigh at the support points -you are finding
the force with which the supports press down on the ground- add them and
you've got the total weight

I've made up a weigh-hook from a piece of 8 mm (5/16") x 750mm (30") rod
with a 50mm right angle bend at one end to hook under the hive support
(hook up the last 10mm to prevent it slipping out) and an acute bend at
the other end to take the hook from a 25 kg (50lb) spring balance. This
allows the spring balance to be attached a bit nearer eye level. Keep
the hook/spring balance as vertical as possible. For heavy weights, keep
your back under the support and get someone else to read the spring balance
Alan Riach

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