Hello All
I will soon obtain my PhD degree from the University of Helsinki. This
is the first PhD degree in Apiculture ever exists in Finland. My PhD
thesis is entitled "Detection of major mite pests of Apis mellifera
and development of non-chemical control of varroasis". I have
developed the powdery sugar dusting as a physical control of Varroa
mite. I wish to find a good job in some bee laboratory or
post-doctoral training about the detection or control of the mites
somewhere in this world. Part of my PhD work was to develop quick
field diagnostic method for Varroa mite. It was published in ABJ
Sept.2000 and also in
http://www.beekeeping.com/articles/detection_varroa.htm With the help
of this device I  found the mite for the first time in the Caribbean
Island Nevis (ABJ Nov.2000-857-858). I will be ready to cooperate
with any short project about Varroa mite detection before starting my
permanent job or training that I am searching in these days. I will
appreciate any useful guidance or comments in achieving these goals
that ultimately serve us all
Dr. Kamran Fakhimzadeh
Department of Applied Biology
P. O. Box 27
00014- Universtity of Helsinki
Tel. +358 40 55 36 791 (Mobile)
Tel. +358 9 191 58393
Fax. +358 9 191 58463