
  Can anyone tell me exactly how a spermatheca works? Specifically what
mechanism is used to deliver spermatozoa to the egg? Are several (dozen?
thousand?) squirted on to the egg or is only one spermatozoan released per
egg? If it's more than one, how are the extra done away with when an
unfertilized egg is laid? After eight years of swimming around in a
spermatheca, do the spermatozoa become any less viable?
   As for the "beez in tights don't get mites" debate,
   I think it's quite alright,
   to make a mite,
   to bee or not to bee,
   that's the question for a mite like me,
   if that cell's too tight you see,
   it might not have mite space for me,
   it could cramp up my third left knee,
   and make me wish I was still free,
   that cell is quite a fright you see,
   for an incestuous vampire mite like me!
