--- "W. Allen Dick" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >weeks ago, I was stung on the thumb.  At first, it
> appeared to be nothing.
> >The following day my thumb began to swell. By that
> evening my thumb had
> >ballooned. By the next morning, it was purple and

A couple of years ago I had a similar reaction.  I was
stung three times, including twice on the inside elbow
of my arm.  One of the stings hurt much more than
usual, but felt fine within a few minutes and did not
swell.  About 8-10 hours later, I noticed it swelling
and itching, till my whole forearm was quite swollen.
(I hadn't been stung by my bees in awhile, but three
days prior I'd been stung on the ankle by a
yellowjacket, whose venom maybe was still having an
 I called an "ask-a-nurse" line and the nurse said I
was possibly developing an allergy, and that I should
watch very carefully the next time I was stung.  This
worried me, as two members of my immediate family have
sting allergies.  However, I've been stung numerous
times since, some with swelling and some without, but
none like this incident.

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