>Well, they swarmed.  I caught the swarm and hived them.  Then they swarmed
>again.  I caught them and combined them with the other swarm.  They're
>fine and have eggs.  Hoever I acidentallly killed the quene in the other
>or so I thought.  I ordered a new queen, and when I opened the hive, there
was a
>queen.  I took her out and put the queen cage in.  After two days I let her
>and they killed her.  THey have no eggs and no sign of a queen.  I have
>a new queen for them.

Where to start, you may have one (or more) virgin queens in the old hive.
The bees will not accept a caged queen. My suggestion would be to order a
queen. When she arrives put together a three frame nuc and introduce her
there. Keep an eye on both hives and see what you have. If one hive
continues to appear queenless then give them brood from the other hive.

Once the queen in the nuc is out and laying decide where you want her. If
one hive appears to remain queenless combine the nuc with that hive. If both
hives have queens then you will want to requeen the hive that swarmed twice
as that one will have a queen of unknown quality.

Once you get that fixed up you want to requeen the other hive(s) as well.
Young queens will help prevent swarming.