Greetings all,
     One thing about the use of Bt that confuses/concerns me is the fact
that everyone says that it is used against "caterpillars" or the larval
stage of the insect.  By design and definition,  honeybee larvae IS the
caterpillar stage of the honeybee. This concerns me that it is designed to
attack a specific time period in an insects life, but it is not SPECIES
specific.  I feel the same way about the use of Bt corn plants.  No matter
how much massaging and re-assuring Monsanto and other large seed producers
do, I still feel that the pollen could pose a risk to all insects, not just
Monarch butterflies, but bees as well.  I find it difficult to believe that
a non- species-specific product can be safe around insects that go through
the same life cycles as those insects being targeted.
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