Just a reminder,

I went out and checked one of my yards today. The "rednecks" had been in
it and made a mess. Three hives had been knocked over using fallen pine
branches and then an attempt was made to set the hives on fire! The fire
must have driven the bees out and run off the vandals as the fire went
out before destroying all of the equipment. Several frames were burned and
most of the boxes were broken. One swarm of bees in the top of oak tree,
but out of reach.

The yard was out of sight and hard to get at, past a locked gate and a way
down a dirt road. Having found a "live" shot-gun shell near by, the yard
may have been found by "hunters". They may have crossed the nearby river
and walked up.

When visiting out yards use caution! I would have hated to think what
could have happened if I had come around the corner while this was in