I am interested in seeing if anyone is familier with some features I have
recently encountered.  We have found what we believe are the remains of
temporary houses or shacks occupied for a few months by woodcutters and/or
colliers.  There are numerous charcoal pits in the area and they are on
land owned by an iron furnace which operated in the Missouri Ozarks from
1880 to 1885.  The features consist of a low rock pile of varying sizes and
an associated scatter of artifacts (ceramics, glass, nails, stove parts,
etc.) and are clearly domestic in nature.  We have tested two, and one
appears to represent chimney-fall with a stone platform in front of it.
The other is simply a prepared platform 1x2 m in size and no evidence for a
chimney.  It is two stones thick (~20cm).  The only theory we can come up
with to explain the platform is that a stove was set on it, as there is
evidence of burning.  Has anyone seen similer features and do you have any
suggestions as to the purpose of the platform?  We have about 20 of these
over an area of about 700 acres.

Thanks - James Wettstaed, Mark Twain National Forest
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