Don Satz on the Gramophone:

>What a magazine!  There's so much to absorb from it.

After spending a whole adolescence not even knowing Gramophone existed, (I
thought Stereo Review was an embarrassment of riches...), you can imagine
how much I currently appreciate its existence.

However, I'm not particularly thrilled by the new format:  it looks like
a web page.  I also don't like the bold-print blurbs before each review--I
don't need to know that "Beethoven's 7th is his bestest symphony after the
5th," (an exaggeration, of course, but close), in order to be compelled to
read on.  That's what the other mags are for.  The space would be far more
useful to me if it contained comments on whose cat-gut string audibly
popped in the latest HIP performance of VW's 5th Symphony.:)

John Smyth