Donald Satz wrote:

>Telarc released a few weeks ago Beethoven's 5th and 7th symphonies
>performed by the Philharmonia Orchestra directed by Benjamin Zander.
>So far, reviews I have read are widely divergent concerning the
>interpretations.  Have any of you heard this new recording? The 5th
>and 7th are two of my favorites - a great coupling.

I can tell you only that Zander's schtick is sticking to Beethoven
metronome markings.  This results in some fast tempos, I'm told, though I
am no student of these things.  I do know that he led the Eroica live here
a week ago.  I didn't go, but a friend in the orchestra told me the finale
was faster than anything he had ever heard.  The reviews said the same.
They were favorable.

Take it from there.

Roger Hecht