-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Medhat Nasr <[log in to unmask]>
Til: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Dato: 12. oktober 1999 15:22
Emne: Re: Integrated Pest Management for Varroa and AFB reporting

>Development of an IPM program should be done and tested in each
>location to determine sampling time and efficacy. Thus, results will
>be reliable.
>IPM Program is an expensive program but it pays off in the long term.

We have had a varroa research proram for several years here in Denmark in several locations. Those investigations clearly shows that it is possible to treat against Varroa without using Apistan or the like, but using formic acid and spring or autumn treatment with oxalic acid. Why we in Denmark is avoiding fluvalionate is the risk for contamination of the wax and thereby the risk for contamination of the honey, because of accumulation of the fluvalionate contamination. We are working with food, and as so we have to take care of as clean food to the customers as possible. That we can take care of that is shown in the fact that all honey in Denmark can be sold to a price equal to 5 Canadian Dollars a 450 g jar, while we don't trust the imported Canadian Honey that much. Canadian honey is sold in Denmark for about 3 Canadian Dollars a 450g Jar. a workers salary here in Denmark is about 20-25 Canadian Dollars an hour.

I am working on a translation of the Danish report, and with help from beekeepers from the list I hope to finish it in reasonable time.

The report will be available on my web for download when it is finished.

Best regards

Jorn Johanesson

EDBi = multilingual Beekeeping software since 1987
http://home4.inet.tele.dk/apimo (Denmark)
http://apimo.dk (USA)
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