Ian Crisp wrote:

>But if people didn't worry about meanings and distinctions, you and I and
>the whole of the Berlin Philharmonic would still be swaying about up in
>the trees, peeling bananas with our feet and bopping each other over the
>head with coconuts.

And what's wrong with that kind of life? I particularly would like the
swinging and bopping.  Getting serious - I'm not so sure that living that
way isn't better than what we have now.

>If we allow that random, unorganised sounds can constitute music, then the
>category of "music" would become meaningless, as there is no imaginable
>sound or sequence of sounds that would not qualify for inclusion.

More and more, I'm thinking this is a non-issue.  Evidently, Dave and
I et al possess a different definition of muisc than Ian, David, et al.
Yet, we all manage easily to communicate among ourselves about the subject
of music.  I personally don't recognize music in the revving of an engine,
but I could have a fine conversation with someone who did, if I felt like
talking to anybody.  Sorry, I'm feeling very anti-social today.  Right, how
is this day different from any other day?

Don Satz
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