With the help of the listers, I am having the pleasure of investigating
composers and works new to me, HIP or other, recorded or live, or read
or played.  It has broadened every aspect of my knowledge of music,
instrumentation, vocal, the importance of the professional performer under
the direction of savvy conductors, etc.  My students and their families are
beginning to realize more of the scope of the musical world and what they
have contracted me to do for their children, or if adult, for their
appreciation for the holistic approach to music education.

I love JSBach works when played crisp and clean with exemplary
articulation.  To be able to follow the various voices through the
counterpoint, as in Glen Gould's expression is just delightful.

Because of the list I have taken up an intricate study of Brahms and have
discovered much to my surprise how much of it I am all ready familiar with.
Though I was somewhat aware of the differences in philosophy of the various
composers in the same period, I was not aware of the rival camps and
"gossip" of the day.

How could Mozart be as mature and wise in his short live in comparison to
Beethoven?!  How could Beethoven have had the same appreciation for the
music of Mozart who was so much more delicate than the loud booming chords
of Beethoven.  So many of Mozart's themes are based on a single note

Jane Pierce <[log in to unmask]>