Here's a new batch of interesting new recordings:

Mahler's Symphony No.4, Gatti, RCA - I liked Gatti's Mahler 5th, and since
the 4th is my favorite, Gatti will be obtained also.  I notice that the
Conifer logo finally appears to be extinct.

Britten's Cello Symphony and Violin Concerto, Naxos - I don't have either
work, and the Naxos offering has been receiving fine reviews.

Bach's Suites for Solo Cello (arr.  for viola), Imai, Philips - I think
very highly of Imai and am looking forward to hearing these arrangements.
I've read two reviews - one was negative, the other outstanding.  Typically
diverse opinions for arrangements.

Piston Violin Concertos, Naxos - It's about time for me to delve into
Piston's music, and the Naxos price leads the way.

Strauss Orchestral Songs (Including Four Last Songs), Mattila/Abbado, DG -
I'm usually a sucker for Strauss orchestral songs.  I can't say that I have
much of a memory of Karita Mattila, but a person can't be that attractive
without singing well, can she?  She's just the type I go for - mature,
comely, and supremely confident and assertive.  Reminds me of my wife.

Mahler's Das Lied, Oue, Reference - I read a complimentary review, and I
just have a hunch that this recording will be outstanding.  It will only be
the 2nd Reference recording I have - the other is a Ravel piano disc
performed by Nojima which is excellent.

Frank Bridge Music for Viola, ASV - I have the two string chamber discs on
the Bridge label and have enjoyed them, so it's time to move on to the

Vasks Violin Concerto and Symphony for Strings, Kremer, Teldec - I never get
around to Vasks and am determined with this issue to do it.

Handel Arias from Agrippina and Alcina, Karina Gauvin/Tafelmusik, Analekta -
I have a disc of Gauvin singing Bach, and she's very good.

There are usually a few new recordings that I'm somewhat suspicious of:

Harnoncourt conducting Johann Strauss on Teldec - This does appear odd on
the surface.  Perhaps Harnoncourt will tackle Gershwin next.

Albioni's 12 Concerti, Opus 9, Manze/Hogwood, Decca - While this could well
be an excellent disc, two hours of Albioni is a bit much for me.

More Opera in English. This time it's Janacek's Osud brought to us by
Chandos.  Although I don't think much of this "sing it in English" business,
it must be very popular.

Last, but not least, is a new collection of violin pieces performed by Kyung
Wha Chung for EMI.  An hour of constant modern violin playing, even by an
artist of Chung's stature, is more than I can tolerate.

Don Satz
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