Jon Lewis ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>(To kiss further butt, I referred to Deryk's Mahler survey constantly when
>I started really exploring M.  for the first time, and it was a huge boon.
>My great ambition is to, one day when I'm older and wiser, construct
>something similar for Sibelius' oeuvre)

As Tony is going to realise one day -:-) - it's a hell of a lot easier to
write one of these than revise it....I'm currently looking at a couple of
shelves full of recording which need to be incorporated....  (Ditto for
the Beethoven)

I was considering working on the revision, one work at a time, from 10
backwards, so as not to seem too much of a "mee too" (Tony is working

Anyway, until then:  I think Olson's performance is a superb one and well
worth having.  Wheeler's less interventionist approach also has grounds to
be considered the most appropriate, although I was talking to David Lamb
yesterday at the Vancouver Mahler 8, who was pressed into service at the
1997 MaherFest to help check for inconsistencies etc, and he said there's
also quite a lot of Olson in it...

But get it anwyay...

Deryk Barker
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