Juozas Rimas wrote:

>Are there any other Bach performers besides Gould that are considered "that

I think Gould's Bach is great, but there are others that I find equally
insightful and enjoyable: Leonhardt, Rousset, Hantai, Gilbert, Peter
Serkin, MacGregor, Schepkin, Aldwell, Horszowski, Jarrett, Kipnis, Martins,
Tureck, and Nikolayeva.  There are probably others as well.  I'd like to
see Russell Sherman record some Bach; I like his Beethoven series on GM
very much; his 4th volume in this series just arrived today at my home
along with the Rattle/Szymanowski King Roger and Alagna's La Boheme.
Right, Don Satz wanting a Puccini opera? I bought it for my daughter, who
looked at the cover and said, "why is that chick all over him"? I told her
that it's his wife.  My daughter didn't think that was a sufficient reason;
she wants Roberto all to herself.  She is a dreamer.  Personally, I'll take

>I'm harassed with the fact that Gould is too peculiar, his Bach is very

Gould is unique.  The issue is whether it works for the listener, and
that's a very personal process.

>A dilemma: authenticity vs interpretation....

What's the dilemma? Just put on a cd and trust your own reactions.  Don't
get caught up in the "authenticity" arguments.  It's not worth your energy.

Don Satz