Jason Greshes boosts NY [he was in Philadelphia too long]:

>John Wiser wrote:
>>Strongest endorsement here for the Princeton Record Exchange; prices
>>are much better than anywhere in NYC, and the selection is very large.
>I must disagree on this.
>Princeton has a very good selection of bargain basement fodder for $4.99,
>but Academy in NYC has an almost equal amount, priced at $3.99 a copy, and
>a much better selection of new trade-ins, twice or more the amount of back
>catalog used items.

I should not have ventured a comparison!  It has been some time since
I visited Academy.  There is the parking problem and then they charge
admission just to cross the bridge.  But I am certain that NYC has its
demon recyclers and reviewer-slough-offs, so Jason's information has the
ring of truth.

All the same, when book-and-record-hunting, I'll always prefer to go where
my car is unlikely to be molested.

John Wiser
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