John Smyth:

>I have to make an uncomfortable observation to all that accuse Public Radio
>stations of catering to the lesser tastes of the general public.  (Everyone
>but us.)

Sounds right.

>Recently I submitted a posting regarding Schoenberg's "Moses and Aron,"
>which did not generate even one public response.  Granted, my "review" was
>not exactly substantial, but I'm surprised no one wanted to talk about the
>work itself, or the conductor, or the recording--even if it has been talked
>about previously.  A new recording of a major 20th Century opera such as
>"Moses and Aron" conducted by a man with the stature of Boulez doesn't
>come around too often.

Well, I'd be glad to talk about it.  I'm a Schoenberg fan, and I find the
piece rather corny - sort of Meyerbeer with pretensions.  It seems to me a
white elephant only a genius could lead into the pen.  I've not heard one
performance that changed my mind.  In general, I prefer other conductors'
Schoenberg to Boulez's.  So, really, I have nothing valuable to offer such
a discussion.

>Yet there have been at least 22 postings regarding, "Was Beethoven Black,"
>and a whopping 56 on "Soundtracks." If you were a general manager for a CM
>radio station and used the latest MCML archives as a guide to "what's hot,"
>what would *you* schedule between 7 and 9PM?

It depends on how I saw my mission.  If my mission was to generate revenue
to pay for my and my staff's salary, with healthy benefits and wages, I'd
of course program Classical Lite.  If I actually wanted to provide an
educational resource to the community, I'd program the Schoenberg (or
something like).

>May all of us barbarians hang our heads in shame.....

Why? Nobody likes everything, not even broad-minded me.  I think you've
fallen into the trap set by public broadcasting: we're the only game in
town; we're the only thing keeping you from My Mother the Car reruns and
rap marathons.  Phooey.  As I say, at least they have enough shame not
call it educational broadcasting any longer.  They are in the entertainment
business (and a business it is) as much as Puff Daddy is, except they're
not as successful.  As far as I can tell, their main business is stroking
middlebrow (and that's being kind) egos.  I guess it's worth something,
but not from me.

Steve Schwartz