[log in to unmask] writes:

>Wes, there is quite a bit of irony here if you are implying that
>Debussy wrote perfectly respectable, original, and creative music without
>inventing a new system and without regard to boundaries or form.I hate
>to intellectually spank you with your own rod, / though I've noticed
>that noone have been spared from yours, but  it is Debussy who is most
>recognized as the composer who laid the groundwork for the "hog-vomit"to

Ok, this is just plain ridiculous.  First of all let me say that I am not
in the business of "spanking" anyone intelectually.  People are replying to
some of my opinions with stiff comebacks and the like.  So am I "spanking"
if I defend my own opinion with the same vigor? I must also say that this
specific posting you made is absolutely ridiculous.  You combined two
completely different statements of mine and tried to answer them as if they
were made as one.  My statement about Debussy had nothing to do with 12
tone music at all.  I was commenting that I thought form was important in
music.  Debussy once said that form had no place in music.  I went no
further than that.  I was not saying that Debussy wrote wonderfully
creative and original music without inventing a new system.  To tell you
the truth.....Debussy is NOT one of MY favorite composers.  I found your
posting to be a little on the rude side and aimless.  It had nothing to do
with virtually anything I said.  You took little portions of my postings
completely out of context and then, with no care given to accuracy,
combined them to make one statement which I did not make.  Please be sure
to quote me accurately and in the correct context.  It's no different than
putting words in my mouth.  Thank you!

Wes Crone