Kevin Sutton widens the subject:

>This brings me to one of my major pet peeves about many a music lover.
>What ever happened to going to the record store and grabbing something
>totally unknown to you and giving it a try just for adventure?
>Oh yes, I have heard all the arguments." I don't want to spend $18 on
>something unknown to me.  " That's hog puckey.  I don't know of a reputable
>record chain on the planet that wouldn't refund a good customer's money or
>at least allow and exchange if he or she was dissatisfied with a purchase.

In the UK the cost of a new full price cd is 15 =$24 (at current rates).
That's a hell of an investment.  HMV the largest classical retailer here
will exchange/refund a cd if it is still in it's wrapper or if it's faulty.
They won't do so if you simply don't like it.

I am boycotting another retailer called MDC after they refused to exchange
a CD from a boxed set of 9 that had visible scratches on its surface.
(they've lost circa 5000 of my money thus far).  I don't know the policy
of Tower records here, but I personally don't their shops a pleasent
environment to purchase in.

My policy now is never to pay more than 8 for a cd unless I'm very
desperate.  The majority of my collection has been built up from sale and
budget items costing 3 or less.  That's the way to experiment in my view.

>In my ten years of record retail, I learned to absolutely detest
>that damned Penguin Guide because of all the lemmings that wouldn't
>buy groceries without first consulting that putrid book.  Moreover, I
>considered the Penguin disciples a lower lot than those who give money
>to televangelists because they simply couldn't think for themselves.

What I do now is buy, listen, than look at the guide.  On 90% of occassions
I'm in general agreement with them.

I agree about the lemmings.  It's crazy during sales to see people, with
shopping baskets crammed full of cd's priced at 1, sat down consulting the
guide to see if they're recommended.

Yes the Penguin guide is dictating some people's tastes.  Remember what I
said last week about intimidation?

>For heaven's sake, let's have a little adventure around here.  Go to the
>store and buy something totally off the wall.  You might find yourself in
>love with a totally new branch of music and hate yourself for having passed
>it over for so long.

You are saying this in the context of different versions of these Mozart
works.  I say get in there and pick up cds by composers you've never heard
of.  Four out of five times you will enjoy what you hear.

Bob Draper
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