Writes Bob Draper - replying to Juozas Rimas:

>Welcome to the club of those who don't believe all the hype about this
>vastly overrated composer.  Congratulations on having the courage to
>say what you think against a potentially hostile audience.

I sit here thinking about the great Mozart Viola Quintets, the Divertimento
K 563, the great symphonies and sonatas, and operas, and then I think of
your tireless debunking of Mozart, and I am reminded of an old Richard
Pryor line with just one word changed:

   "Who do you believe, me or your own lying ears?"

Incidentally, Mr. Rimas, you are allowed to listen to Mozart AND Haydn,
AND Beethoven- no rationing at work here!!!!

Bernard Chasan - who loves Mozart and YET is now going home to listen to
two newly purchased Jando Haydn Sonata cds.