Donald Satz wrote:

>So, I now have Haydn piano sonata recordings (Andras Schiff's) that are on
>the same high level as Brendel's.

Leaving aside astonishment that Don is so easily pleased, list members who
enjoy listening to these works on pianoforte might be interested to know
the Malcolm Bilson recording of the great E-flat sonatas (on Nonesuch) is
available now at discount from H&B Direct.  A better bargain yet are
sonatas #20 and 30-39 by Andreas Steier, a two-disc set for only $7.99
from Berkshire.

The excellent playing of Gilbert Kalish on piano of #s 36, 40, 41, 49 and
50 is also available at discount from H&B.

Any one of these, plus the two discs of the sonatas by Emmanuel Ax (on
piano), I would suggest listening to before springing for Brendel or Schiff.

John Dalmas
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